Princess Aleighza

MY World @ Yishun Palm Breeze

Princess Aleighza
15 May 2023

Spark Change for a Healthy Ocean!

Practise Recycling League 2023

To Spark Change for a Healthy Ocean , our children at M.Y World Yishun Palm Breeze are participating in this year’s SembEnviro Practise Recycling League.

Our children were engaged in creating a Recycling Corner in our school to encourage our parents and neighbours to pariticipate in this activity. They created posters to raise awareness and posted details on how to participate in this recycling league . They also designed the recycling corner using recyclables to make it more inviting.

After creating the recycling corner ,our children showed their excitement through immediately bringing their own recyclable plastics to school . They placed the items in the recycling bags and checked whether the items that they brought can be recycled. Our Parents also asked for more details about the project after seeing the recycling corner in the school and immediately collected recyclables and drop them in our recycling corner.

Starting this activity was very challenging as it requires careful planning and effort to create the resources needed. However, with the help of our children and the teachers in our centre , we were able to kickstart this project with excitement.

Overall , the children had fun starting this activity and we hope to inculcate values such as caring and responsibility. Moving forward , our children will learn more about sustainability and will be engaged in creating posters to raise awareness on how to protect the ocean and encourage our neighbours to participate in the different activities that our school will carry out.

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