Estrellas Katherine Reyes

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Punggol Coast Blk 602 (CC)

Estrellas Katherine Reyes
29 Aug 2019

Showing that we C.A.R.E (Care and Respect Elders)

This year, Singapore has achieved another important milestone - that is, its Bicentennial celebration. This year we commemorate not only 200 years of Singapore’s rich history, but also its key moments and transformations starting even way back 700 years ago.

Throughout the years, Singapore has transformed tremendously into what is known now as one of the most globally competitive countries. But how did Singapore reach this far? It is with the help of the pioneer generation of Singapore, who paved the way for Singapore’s success.

So this year being the Bicentennial year, it is but right to give respect and to show our gratitude to the pioneer generation who made it all possible.


On the 26th of April, our K1 and K2 children participated in the virtual launch party in our own simple way.

The children helped in colouring and decorating the letters to be used for the banner

They helped in doing up the banner for the launch

The K1 and K2 participants for SSDB 2019


On the 12th of June, our K2 children, together with their teachers and some parent volunteers, all set out to visit the elderly at Bright Hill Evergreen Home. Our K2 children had always been active in caring for the elderly as part of their service learning, but at the same time we would like to extend the Bicentennial celebration to the elderly this year.

The K2 children performed songs for the elderly after they helped to serve the tea break for them

The children also assisted the elderly in creating a Merlion art-and-craft.

The children helped the elderly in completing their hanging Merlion

Proudly showing their crafts

After their art-and-craft activity, the children also spent more time to play simple games with the elderly.

Everyone enjoyed tossing and catching the ball, and also playing with the board games


We also visited ‘The Bicentennial Experience’ at Fort Canning Park last 18th of June to have a better understanding of the rich history of Singapore and also to learn about the significance of the contributions of some prominent members of different communities, as well as of the pioneer generation to Singapore’s success.

A quick snapshot before going in the Time Traveller

Umbrellas up!

Happily finished Time Traveller

Off to Pathfinder

An experience of the different exhibits


On the 14th of August, we also went around our neighbourhood to give small tokens of appreciation to the seniors in our community.

We made Singapore flag fridge magnets by doing paper mache. Later on, we hand painted each of them and wrote ‘PCF Honours You’.

The children handpainted each of the paper mache flags

Our finished products - Singapore flag fridge magnets

We first visited the group of elderly doing morning exercise at the multi-purpose hall near our preschool. We asked them whether they had their ‘Pioneer Generation’ cards or ‘Merdeka’ cards along with them. They happily showed us their cards and were also very thankful for our little presents.

The K1 and K2 children in action

We also went to a supermarket and coffee shop nearby to find more seniors.

We met more seniors around our neighbourhood

Mission accomplished!

With these activities, we hope to have instilled gratefulness and appreciation among the children who are the future of Singapore. We hope that with the knowledge of all the great things their forefathers did, may they be able to continue the legacy and be inspired to contribute to the further advancements of Singapore in the years to come.

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