Manio Enid Loqueno

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Ayer Rajah Blk 48 (kn)

Manio Enid Loqueno
26 Aug 2017

Save the Earth in Our Little Ways - Recycled Bottle Plants

“Only when the last tree has been cut, the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money.      ∼Cree Indian Proverb

This quote served as an inspiration for us to contribute in our own little ways to help save the Earth through recycling for our this year SSDB Project.

Our SSDB journey started on 7th July; we invited NParks to conduct a workshop for our parents on re-using plastic bottles as pots for plants. In the session, Mr Maxel and his team demonstrated to the parents of how to grow plants in Recycled bottles without having to water them daily and with no worry about mosquito breeding.

Our project did not end there! On 13th July, parents who went for the workshop came into the classroom and shared their experiences with the children, teachers and other parents who missed the session. After a brief introduction of our SSDB Project’s objectives and a demonstration by our parent volunteer, Mr Thayalam, the parents and the children from Nursery to K2 started making their bottled plants which would be presented to Teban Gardens’ Community Garden upon completion.

On 19th July, the completed bottled plants are finally ready to be presented to the community garden! The children and all the staff gathered, some carried the SSDB logo and some carried placards of messages on saving the Earth as we pushed our bottled plants to the venue to meet the friendly care-takers of the garden, Mdm Winnie and Mdm Ester. They assisted the children in hanging up the plants on the fencing in one part of the garden. After all the bottled plants were hung, the children presented our SSDB logo to be placed together with the plants to mark the completion of our SSDB Project 2017!

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