Chitti Faridah D/O Abdul Latiff

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Keat Hong Blk 448 (CC)

Chitti Faridah D/O Abdul Latiff
30 Sep 2020

Recycling for a better world to live in!

Our centre’s children not only learnt to take care of the environment through this project but also learnt not to waste. Many children contributed to our collection of recycled materials.

Our parents were supportive and involved actively to complete our take home kits with great support of our ideas in using recycle materials for craftworks.The N1, N2, K1 and K2 children and their families active involvement in  working together with their child is highly commendable! Kudos!!

The K1 and K2 children could understand the importance of recycling objects instead of throwing away.They contributed eagerly and enthusiastically.The items in the class recycling bin was overwhelming. All the children spent quality time creating various objects with the items that were collected.

They were proud and said they were glad to have done their part to save earth!

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