
Changi Bethany School-House

2 Aug 2023

Our Vegetable Garden (2)

It is never too early to start young minds on an educational journey. For our SSDB project, we have initiated our K1 and K2 children on a planting project, working together to build a sustainable future in healthy living - Growing our own vegetable garden. In the first part of our project, our K2 children made the banner and cleaned up the garden. As we continued, our K1 children decorated the token bags as a gift for our parents and community. 

Our supportive parents came to attend a sharing session by our teachers and Principal about compost making.

They were also given a little bookmark as a gesture to share more information on compost making

Hooray! It’s planting time. Look at the excitement of our children and parents

Thank you parents for your valuable feedback

The next few weeks….children took turns with their classes to take care of the plants and water them

Our little ones join in the fun too!

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