Irdina Zainol

Dreamkids Kindergarten

Irdina Zainol
26 Aug 2021

Oh What Farm! Workshop

The children went on a journey as Eco Heroes, together with Captain Discovery, to explore food sources and different ways to prevent food wastage. They learned more about the journey taken and the different people (farmers, packers, drivers, merchandisers, chefs, etc) involved for food to reach our plates!

The children went on a virtual tour of Singapore Discovery Centre’s very own garden as they learned to identify a variety of plants such as Blue Butterfly Pea, ginger, lemongrass, pandan and mint. At the same time, they had the sensorial experience of touching and smelling the real plants too! They also learned the different uses of each plant, their favourite being lemongrass in ointments or oil to ward off mosquitoes.

To end off the session, the K1s were taught about soilless planting, such as the aqua organic system using leca. They were also equipped with their own soilless planting kit to bring home using spinach seeds. They learned that it would take at least 30-45 days for the spinach to grow and be ready for harvesting. 

Among other facts they learned from the urban farmers such as Uncle Herb, were that pineapples grow on a plant and papayas take 3 whole years to grow and be ready for harvesting.

They certainly had a lot of fun during the workshop and learned so many fun facts about food wastage as well as the uses and growth of different plants!

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