Japos Nina Vanessa Mamaril

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Yio Chu Kang Blk 611 (CC)

Japos Nina Vanessa Mamaril
27 Sep 2020

Oceans of Fun! (Role Play and Dance Performance)

Last month, the K2 children were engaged in different activities to learn about the ways to conserve the marine life. They learnt about proper waste disposal and 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle).

In this activity, the children get to write the class dictated story “Oh No, I Ate Plastic” and dramatize the story as a class. The K2 children get to role play as the characters in the story, such as sea turtle, fish, octopus, plastic and the marine biologist. The teacher also created the costume and head gears for the children to put on for their dramatization.

In this activity, the K2 children were able to display their understanding of the needs to conserve the marine life through the class dictated story. The children were able to dramatise well for the class dictated story. They portray the ability to memorise the speech and they could dance well. This activity is fun and memorable for them because they were able to dramatize and feel how the marine animal’s feel when they get choked by ocean plastics. It provided them the opportunity to understand the dangers that the marine animals encounter, and how they can make a positive impact on the environment.

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