Chia Pui Kuan

Moral Child Development Centre(Chee Hoon Kog)

Chia Pui Kuan
6 Sep 2022

N2 children SSDB 2022 - Recycling Journal

The N2 Noble class has embarked on a ‘WASTE TO TOYS’ project to encourage the children to use recycled materials to create their own toys. Children had the experience to reuse materials to reduce waste and save the earth. They learnt that materials are available around our environment and recreating objects that are used into new objects taught them about sustainability and that less waste can be possible by recycling and reusing unwanted materials.

Our centre had also started a MCDC Recycling Day every third Monday of the month to support our love for the earth and to encourage recycling – zero waste project. Children brought their recycled materials from home to contribute to the MCDC Recycling Day. Some of the recycled materials were used for the Waste to Toys Project.

Project 1 – Bottle Game

Empty bottles were made into games. Children used the bottle tops and attached a bottle cap with a string. They threw and tried to catch the bottle caps into the bottle tops.

Project 2 – Robots

Robots are the boys’ all-time favourite. Empty soda cans and a variety of recycled materials were used to create the robots.

Project 3 – Doll Houses

The girls created doll houses from recycled milk bottles and also puppets from magazine cutouts.

Project 4 – Transportation

Children used recycled dish detergent bottles to create fire trucks and police cars as craft activities.

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