Jasra Banu Binte Mohamed Iqubal

Agape Little Uni @ Clementi

Jasra Banu Binte Mohamed Iqubal
14 May 2018

My Secret Garden : Agape Little Uni @ Clementi (SSDB 2018)

On 30 April 2018, teacher read a story called “Sort it out” written by Barbara Mariconda. The story was about a rat called Packy sorting out his ever growing collection of things according to characteristics and attributes. Children did a mini mindmap together with the teacher on sorting out materials using the categories stated in the story. 

One child said: “There are so many materials here in our class in our science corner just like Packy’s room.” Another child said: “Let’s use the materials to make something Teacher Jas!”

After the story, teacher introduced on using the recycled materials found in our science corner to plant some seeds/beans and grow it in our class. We discussed on what are some things plants needs in order to survive and grow healthily. 

The class said: “Plants need water, seeds, soil, sunlight and air to grow.” Teacher added on sharing about the planting activity they would be doing for the day.

Teacher introduced to children on the activity they would be doing for the day. We used empty plastic egg cartons, soft tissue/cotton wool, red/green/soy beans, droppers and water for our planting. Children were well aware of what they were expected to do. Look at them go! 

Children said things like, “ I want my plant to grow so tall until it touches the sky” and “I want to show mummy and daddy that I can grow beans in egg trays.”

Once the planting was all done, we placed the beans on the shelf near the window. We will be monitoring the progress on our beans and making notes daily on the growth! 

Materials used : plastic egg carton, soft tissue, cotton wool, water, droppers, green/red/soy bean. Since we wanted to integrate the 3Rs’ in our lesson (reuse, reduce and recycle), we used plastic egg cartons instead of pots. Overall the children enjoyed the lesson and are excited to see their beans bloom into a tall young plant!

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