Ma Rachelle Agravante

My Kiddie Klubhouse Pte Ltd

Ma Rachelle Agravante
10 Jul 2020

MKK Green Thumb Gardeners

  • After the circuit breaker,

our playground and backyard had grown with long wavy grass, bushes and dried leaves.

Luckily, the MKK Green Thumb Gardeners are here!

  • MKK children picked up all the dried leaves and litters. Together, they tried to prepare the MKK garden which will bear vegetables and fruits to be shared in the neighbourhood.
  • Children from the K2 class had read the Garden in the City. They concluded that planting crops and trees will not only give us food and shade but will also provide food and shelter for other animals in Singapore. They excitedly shared what seeds they would like to plant, having in mind that through their own little ways they can share kindness towards the environment and save the Earth!
  • Stay tune! As we continue our MKK Green Thumb Gardeners journey.

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