Johnny Goh

Sunflower Preschool @ AMK Pte Ltd

Johnny Goh
2 Sep 2022

It's a wrap!!

It’s a wrap!! We had a fruitful learning journey throughout this project.

After the litter picking, children watched a video on how Singapore fixed its big trash problem and where those recycled materials being to. Through the video, children have better understanding about the issue. They also asked questions to clarify the information.





It is a fun and busy year for the children but they have made time to contribute and do their best for this year’s Start Small, Dream Big project. Along the way, the children filled up their reflection journal, writing and drawing their thoughts, as well as what they have learnt from their SSDB project. We are so proud of their achievements as they continue to find new ways to give back to the community.

We would like to say thank you to everyone who took part in our little project. It has been a meaningful learning journey for our children, families and teachers.

Remember, each of us has a role to play in taking care of our environment. Let us all do our part in taking small steps towards achieving our dreams. Because….. no one can do everything, but everything can do something!😍😍

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