Lean Wei Lin


Lean Wei Lin
30 Sep 2022

Introduction to Food Waste

This week, the ChildFirst @ Tampines K1 children were introduced to the theme of our ‘Start Small Dream Big’ (SSDB) project, ‘Food Waste’, through a series of class discussions. 

A week ago, through incidental learning during lunch time, the children were exposed to the concept of food wastage when some of their peers could not finish their meal. This led to their curiosity about food waste, the causes of food waste, and the impact of food waste.

To feed their curiosity, posters and videos related to food waste were shown to the children to let them ponder about the causes of food waste and how it affects the environment.

With guidance from the teacher, the children did a mind map on food waste based on the information gathered from the posters and videos. The children actively shared their thoughts and opinions during the mind mapping session and came to a conclusion that food waste is harmful to the environment and that we have a part to play in reducing food waste.

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