Rosslinda Binte Ramlee

Little Moral Angel Childcare Ltd

Rosslinda Binte Ramlee
15 Oct 2024

Inculcate Kindness for the Environment, Animals and People, in Young Children.

Bringing the Environment to the Classroom. Children had an enjoyable moment, visualizing that they were at the Park, picking up litters. Singing ” ….. No one can do everything but everyone can do something” as they did the activity.

Thanks to the favourable weather, the amazing children went to Bedok Town Park to have close encounters with the Nature. 

They were very gentle with the grasshoppers as they must be kind to all animals.

They had the chance to appreciate the plantation that were grown by the nearby residents. They chanted “Grow, plants grow … there will be air, water and sunlight for you.” 

They reminded each other not to pluck any leaves or fruits.

They also had the chance to thank the Community Helpers who helped keep the park clean, all the time.

“Kindness is doing what you can, where you are, with what you have.”  ~ Raktivist

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