

28 Jul 2023

Humanitarian Trail @ Red Cross Campsite

26 July 2023

We went on Humanitarian Trail at Red Cross Campsite organised by Red Cross Youth.

During the Humanitarian Trail, we learnt basic first aid such as CPR and abdominal thrust for choking.

Red Cross personnel demonstrating how to perform abdominal thrust on choking person.

Practicing on abdominal thrust

It is important that when we eat, we should not talk and walk about as it would increase the chance of choking.

We also learnt that in any case the food does not get dislodged and the person has gone unconscious and not breathing, we have to perform CPR on the person.

Thus, we were also taught on how to perform CPR.

Red Cross personnel teaching on CPR

Before performing CPR, we need to check if the person is ok by tapping on the shoulders of the person.

If there is no response, we call 995 and check if the person is breathing through chest rise.

If there no breathing, we will perform CPR.

After the basic first aid session, we proceed to disaster management.

We were introduced to “Go Bag” which consists of personal, food, and medical items in it. This “Go Bag” is important and essential in case of emergencies such as fire outbreak, national power grid failure and extreme weather events.

Things in “Go Bag”

Identifying things in “Go Bag”

At the last segment, we discovered that water is not easily accessible to people in the olden days. They had to pump water into their pails and carry the heavy pail of water over a distance to home. 

After the activity stimulating people in the olden days, we appreciate our water more!!! 

Pumping water into container

Carrying the container of water over short distance to pour into the big pail (home)

Lastly, the learning journey ended with fan meeting of Carrie from Red Cross Youth. 

Did you know we had already met Henry and Bravo from our previous learning journey with Red Cross Youth.

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