Ow Bung Peng Margaret

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Changi Simei Blk 131 (KN)

Ow Bung Peng Margaret
27 Aug 2021

Go Green Project : A collaborative Journey

Butterfly Effect! Here’s Why? 2019->2020->2021

It all started with our visit to our neighbourhood Tampines Changkat Garden in 2019. The Nature in its full bloom captured the hearts of all the teachers who learnt about recycling techniques which can be used in gardening. 2020 was a complete engagement year under the theme, ‘Plant it with Love.’ 2021 SSDB, under the theme, Go Green Project took to new heights. The entire school, including the teachers, children and the school staff became SSDB Ambassadors.

Step 1: Teachers introduced the theme to the children and briefed them on the on the exciting project they were going to embark.

Step 2: Home-School Partnership

A letter was given to parents to engage in growing plants during Term 2 holiday break. The growth from seeds to plants, was recorded and shared with the school.

Step 3: Community Partnership National Parks supplied seeds of various seeds for growing plants like tomatoes, Batam, Kang Kong and Spinach.

East Coast Town Council approved growing a fence garden in front of the school using the recycled Meiji milk bottles as planters.

South East CDC, funded for furthering our efforts in our Eco-gardening project. Our school tagged with Preschool Market, an ECDA partner, to get recyclable materials for our project.

Sparklecare’s elderly enjoy in nurturing our plants by watering them occasionally.

Step 4: Going the extra mile!

Teachers took the opportunity to read ‘Together, Our Singapore Spirit.’ a National Day Commemorative Book for preschools. The Mascot KEVIN, an acronym where the last letter ‘N’ stands for SSDB Tagline: No one can do everything, but everyone can do something! was used to reinforce our love for Singapore and to keep it green.

Jia says she likes Singapore, because there are so many playgrounds! 😊

Step 5: Recycling Drive

Using Meiji bottles, planters and garden tools were created. A tripartite partnership among teachers, Parents and children helped to make this dream come true.

Step 6: Daily Care for Plants continues…

Neighbours’ helping in gardening: Blessing in disguise

A neighbour watched our efforts and donated extra self-watering bottles by upcycling plastic bottles. A sample bottle with a plant and also some ice cream bottles were donated. She wrote “May you have fun with this little gesture of community and neighbourly sharing.”😊

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