Mrs Heer

Newton Kindergarten

Mrs Heer
18 Apr 2022

Fruitful of Love

In this year’s Start Small Dream Big project, Newton Kindergarten’s nursery students aim to spread love and kindness to the elderly at Irene Nursing Home. They want to show their love and care to the elderly at Irene Nursing Home by blessing them with fruits.

Our love from N Peace.

Little thought from N Courage.

Our fruitful baskets of love from N Kindness.

Amid the Covid-19 situation, our children were able to demonstrate their love and care for the elderly. The children from Nursery classes were encouraged to pack in their fruits with their parents. Our aim is to inculcate good value to our children and encourage them to give back to society.

A Certificate of Appreciation from Irene Nursing Home.

Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” It is our responsibility as early childhood educators to teach the children to give back to the society. We also believe that shaping their tomorrow is our greatest hope and goal.

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