Amanda Tan

My First Skool @ Marine Terrace Blk 18

Amanda Tan
22 Apr 2021

Connecting with our seniors!

It has been a difficult and challenging year since Covid-19 happened and we are glad to be able to connect with our seniors at Montfort Care Goodlife again! In conjuction with events and celebrations planned in school, we have also arranged for a variety of activities for our seniors to participate along with us!

First up, to commemorate and bring greater awareness to Earth Day, our children have personally drawn and designed mini posters that spread the message of Recycle, Reuse, Reduce and ways to save our planet Earth!

The children took the weekend to collect plastic containers and bottles and brought them back to school to recycle them! To build children’s sense of responsibility towards the natural environment, we have decided for these recycled items to be used to grow plants in the classrooms!

To spread the message of Recycle, Reuse and Reduce, the children have also prepared activity sets which include these gardening materials such as plastic containers, soil and seeds for our seniors to grow and take care of their own plants!

Stay tuned to see more action with our seniors!

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