Audrey Chin

EB0013 E-Bridge Pre-School (Bukit Batok West)

Audrey Chin
7 Jul 2021


The K1A children from E-Bridge BBW were excited to kickstart our journey to learn about composting in conjunction with the Start Small Dream Big initiative. 

We decided to do composting to build on last year’s gardening project, so we could help create compost to promote healthier soil/growing conditions for the plants in our school’s garden. 

 Look, we even signed an agreement to kickstart our project!

The children learned about decomposers and composting through books like “Compost Stew: An A to Z Recipe for the Earth” by Mary McKenna Siddals and “Decomposers” by Grace Hansen. 

We began our journey digging for earthworms and collecting insects for the compost bin.

The parents were also very involved in the process, helping to collect food scraps from home and allowing their children to bring the food scraps like bread skin, apple cores, orange peel, etc to place in our compost bin. 

Together, the K1A children set up the compost bin and poured all their food scraps in. 

We then left the compost to decompose in the bin. In a few months’ time, we shall be using the soil for the plants in our school’s garden!

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