Irdina Zainol

Dreamkids Kindergarten

Irdina Zainol
24 Aug 2021

Bobby and the Lost Seed

As part of NParks’ programmes this year, the children joined in with their Biodiversity Week. They provided a very interactive and fun activity book this year to help with bringing awareness to local flora and fauna in Singapore. The children learnt what flora and fauna meant, plants and animals!

Following Bobby’s adventure, we read the story about a flying seed in class, while stopping at each page to do the part of the activities. There were different activities where the children learnt about flora like birds’ nest ferns, and fauna like the carpenter bee or the green pigeon! They helped Bobby find a perfect place for Stella the lost flying seed to grow into a tree! 

The children made their own flying seed where they got to drop and see it spin through the air before it lands! 

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