Padmini D/O Baskaran Mrs Padmini Suresh

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Keat Hong Blk 411 (KN)

Padmini D/O Baskaran Mrs Padmini Suresh
31 Aug 2020

Being Responsible Pet Owners

PCF Sparkletots Keat Hong blk 411 children had a lesson on being responsible pet owners in link with IGP project.

Children learned about what are the types of animals they can keep as pets and the commitment that comes along with it. Children watched clips on the importance of being responsible pet owners and what would happened if we abandon our pets at any point of time.

Children understood the importance of being responsible pet owners and we had children crying upon seeing the pet being abandoned in a video. Children also learnt the responsibilities of a pet owner such as keeping pets home and to control their pets when it becomes noisy. They also learnt that they should clean up after their pets in public.

Children did a language activity to re enforce their learning to state how they will be responsible pet owners.

Children learnt quite a number of new information about how to be responsible pet owners.

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