
Agape Little Uni @ Clementi

24 Sep 2021

Agape Little Uni @ Clementi SSDB Sales Day!

The tables were filled with a variety of items with prices ranging from $1 to $15. The sellers familiarised themselves with the items they were in-charge of and waited patiently for their schoolmates to come out of their classes to make their purchases.

The children prepared their recycled bags and their coupons for their sales day! They took turns to come out of their classrooms in their groups and went on their little shopping spree!

The buyers counted the amount of money (the coupons came in small amounts of $1 and $2) they needed to purchase a product they wanted. The sellers introduced the items to the buyers as well as collected the coupons from them. Both the sellers and buyers were tasked to ensure the amount given/collected were correct.

Some of the children happily posed for a picture with the products they bought!

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