

28 Jul 2023

A visit to Bloodbank@HSA

8 June 2023

We went on a learning journey to Bloodbank@HSA and learnt many interesting facts:

  • a bag of blood can save up to three lives

  • there are 4 types of blood A, B, AB, O

  • donated blood are used in surgery, general medicine , blood diseases, accident and emergency 

Us learning more about blood

After that, we engaged in role play and took turn to be doctor, nurse and blood donor. 

Role of a doctor: 

To check temperature and blood pressure of blood donor as well as to ensure the blood donor is fit to donate blood.

Doctor checking the temperature of blood donor

Doctor checking blood donor’s blood pressure

Role of nurse:

To monitor and ensure blood donor has a safe donation experience.

Nurse checking on blood donor

Role of blood donor:

Complete questionnaire 

Blood donor filling up questionnaire

Beside role play, we also made a visit to the blood bank and toured through the whole process for blood donation.

After that, we ended the learning journey through writing a thank you card for the blood donors in Singapore!

Our messages to all the blood donors:

Thank you for saving lives!

You are so brave!

Thank you for donating blood to save others!

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