Ervinna Leong

MOE Kindergarten @ Fernvale

Ervinna Leong
30 Aug 2021

3R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

We continued to talk about saving our environment and taking less from the Earth. To do so, we have to practise the 3R’s, which the children were introduced to. Reduce by using only what we need, reuse items for the same or new purposes and recycle by converting waste into useful products.

As the use of plastics and disposables continue to be prevalent in our society especially during this pandemic times, we wanted to inspire our children to take action, share the message and spread awareness within our school, their families and the community. No matter how small and young they are, they too, can make a difference and be little advocates for our planet Earth. As such, we held a poster designing competition on saving the environment.

We shared what we observed of the blue recycle bins we have in our neighbourhood and learnt the proper way to recycle. The children brought home what they learnt and involved their families in recycling together.





The children also had so much fun participating in a trash-sorting race in school. They were able to reinforce their understanding and knowledge of the different materials the trash are made of.

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