Breakfast with Grandparents. Our K1 and K2 children are dedicated to providing happiness to the senior citizens! Part of their commitment is to give back to the pioneers in the community and the pioneers ...
**D is for 'Devouring our cupcakes made with Grandma!'** Mdm Kohreen is showing the children the main ingredient, the egg for the cupcake. “Look! Let’s listen attentively to Grandma!”Baking is a fun way to promote...
Because a thankful heart is a happy heart - Kindergarten outreach to elderly @ Fei Yue Hougang. After our first fund-raising drive held in early May, we raised a total of $43 from the sales of preloved items collected over 12 days period (1-12 May). Though it is not a ...
Children of CBK Caring for the Elderly Kudos! To CBK parents for being very cooperative and generous to our appeal for SSDB Food Donation Drive to St John’s Home for Elderly Persons. The children were very excited ...
“There’s No Us without You: Bringing young and old together!" On the 17th July 2017, we had a soft launch of the “Start Small, Dream Big!” project. We take part in this project every year. This year, we are continuing our aim in reaching ...
SSDB Project: LITTLE HEARTS FOR OUR SENIORS Objective: In today’s society not many families live with elderly relatives or senior family members. Children know who is a grandparent but they do not seem to know the ...
SSBD Project: LITTLE HEARTS FOR OUR SENIORS (Phase 1) Start Small Dream Big –Phase 1The Launch Party was held at school on 12 April with K2 children and their families. We had performances by the children. They sang with shakers ...
SSDB:LITTLE HEARTS FOR OUR SENIORS (Phase 2) Start Small Dream Big –Phase 2Visit to Sarah Senior Care Activity Centre at Bukit Merah on Wednesday 26 April 2017. It started in 1998 with the support of the then Ministry of ...
SSDB:LITTLE HEARTS FOR OUR SENIORS (Final Phase) Start Small Dream Big- Final PhaseWe had a planning for a grand celebration. We sent letters and invitation to all our parents to donate basic food items. A few K2 parents ...
Building Inter-Generation Bonds at the Zoo on 23 June 2017 The K2 children went on this special trip to the zoo together with a group of seniors from Xin Yuan Community Care Centre. Each senior was paired up with two children to ...
Building Loving Bonds Our ’Start Small, Dream Big’ endeavour in AceKidz Creative EduCare began during SG50 when we started working with Xin Yuan Community Care, our President’s Challenge ...
Father's Day celebration cum Charity Bazaar Little Footprints Preschool @Woodlands had a meaningful Father’s day celebration at the centre this year on 13/6/2017 as we had an additional Charity Bazaar going on at the ...