CDYH SSDB 2022_Kindness towards Animals : Marine Life Children expanded their learning on animals from household pets towards the topic of marine life. With the use of videos and resources from SEA Aquarium, children were able to ...
A Garden for Sustainability It was a labour of love, our garden at Blk 401, Woodlands Street 41. It took the work of parents of the centre, the children, the staff and even grandparents. They set up the ...
Vehicle craft using recycle materials Children used recycled materials to create community vehicles such as fire engines police car and ambulance etc. To wrap up the SSDB project, children created posters to ...
Field Trip to Sustainable Singapore Gallery @ Marina Barrage The Nursery 2, Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 2 went on a learning trip to learn how we can care for our environment and how kindness in our actions will help others. Reduce ...
Earth Day is Everyday! In relation to World Environment Day and the theme for our SSDB is year: ‘Earth Day is Everyday!’, the children were engaged with activities such as storytelling, talks and ...
Deforestation During the theme on Saving the Earth, K2 children learnt about deforestation and its harmful effects. Firstly, they had a discussion on this topic and the teacher disseminated ...
Brown Sugar Steam Cake K1 children had the opportunity to try making Chinese traditional brown sugar steam cake (fa gao) as part of the activities while learning about the 4 races in Singapore. They ...
Choosing SG Locally Grown Local Fresh Produce Our K2 children first learnt that most of our food sources are being imported. They were then introduced to the “30 by 30” initiative - Singapore aims to build up our ...
Little Explorers Care For this year’s “Start Small Dream Big” project with the theme “Our Family, Our Community“, Children from Toddler to Kindergarten 2 were involved to different activities where ...
Green Guardians-PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Pasir Ris West Blk 650 (EY) #SSDB2022 During the June holidays, we embarked in the Green Guardians program by the Gardens by the Bay as a seeker learning about biodiversity, conservation and sustainability!We ...
Coral Bleaching @ M.Y World Bidadari Alkaff Vista The children from N2 Honesty were engaged in meaningful discussions using the online resource from S.E.A Aquarium. We focused on the topic of coral bleaching which is a ...
Save my world! - Earth Week 2022 - 18-22 April 2022 Earth Day is an annual event held every 22nd of April to demonstrate support for environmental protection. And since one of our core values in Skool4Kidz is care and concern ...