ssdb: 爱护环境、关怀社区 PG-N2开展了一系列爱护环境、关爱社区的活动。在课堂上老师给幼儿讲绘本故事《如果地球被我们吃掉了》,初步了解地球与人类的关系;并互相讨论如何去保护环境和地球。幼儿们表示去户外时发现祖屋楼下有部分垃圾,于是老师带领幼儿去户外捡垃圾,让幼儿意识到乱丢垃圾的行为是不正确的,并通过活动培养幼儿爱护环境,从我做起,养成不乱丢垃圾的好习惯。在去户外的时发现可回收...
SSDB: 关爱植物,种植蔬菜 幼儿通过接触植物,了解植物生长条件并进行浇水,学习关爱和照顾植物。老师引申活动让孩子把蔬菜种子放入邮箱,体验邮寄的过程,期待种子寄到自己的家。家长与幼儿共同体验种植蔬菜,过程中让幼儿观察和了解种植蔬菜所需要的条件(水、泥土、阳光、空气等),体验种植劳动的快乐,同时提供幼儿参与关于大自然活动的机会。
ssdb: 我们的社区(爱护环境、关心他人) PG-《树叶拼贴画》教师带领幼儿去户外捡树叶,引导幼儿观察地面,捡捡、数数、看看的过程中,体验劳动和学习的乐趣。通过活动提高幼儿参与劳动的积极性,同时了解自己周围的环境和事物。幼儿将收集树叶、树枝等,尝试拼贴各种“水果”,幼儿充分发挥自己的想象力和创造力,来完成有趣的树叶拼贴作品。
Loving our community and family! PCF SPARKLETOTS PRESCHOOL @ PUNGGOL COAST 303A (DS)Our theme is loving my family and community!The project aims to encourage children and parents to spend more quality time ...
Happy Mother's Day As this year’s SSDB theme is titled, Our Family, Our Community. We decided to show love and appreciation during Mother’s Day, which falls on Saturday, 14 May 2022.To show our ...
Groove with our families During our National Day Celebration, we invited families to groove with us via Zoom. We also played a fun game called ‘Where in Singapore?’. Parents/Guardians were tasked to ...
Making agar-agar for our families On 20 July, our centre celebrated Racial Harmony Week. Our K1 and K2 children made agar-agar; a Malay dessert, virtually via Zoom. Parents were invited to watch the cooking ...
Celebrating Kindness Day In the month of May, our N2, K1, and K2 children celebrated Kindness Day and used the items we received from Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM).We read a book titled, Mellie’s ...
Happy Father's Day We celebrated Father’s Day which falls on 19 June 2022. To show love and appreciation towards our fathers, we created lovely crafts for them. All the levels (from Playgroup to ...
Be Healthy Be Happy and Be Awesome! Here is a timeline of our SSBD project from PCF Sparkletots @ Teck Ghee Blk 227 (EY)
SSDB “Family Love” Food Drive 2022 Since the launch of our Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) “Family Love” project on 29th April 2022, our children have been introduced to different family values such as Love, ...