Kindness Day SG In conjunction with the Kindness Day SG (KDSG), children of Mini World Child Care @ Chai Chee Drive launched the SSDB 2020 project with a series of activities to encourage ...
Kindness Starts with me (K1) “Thank you Uncles for all your effort!” It is time for Start Small dream big project of the week. We are partnering with Singapore Kindness Movement to show that we are little children with big 💕 hearts! K1 Teachers ...
A DROP for You and Me - World Water Day 2020 As agents, we should work hand in hand to sustain the cleanliness of water supply not only in Singapore but to the world.This simple movement will change one’s thoughts and ...
I Care For SG! During the Circuit Breaker, children together with their parents gave their support to the country by joining a famous online campaign on Tiktok with the hash...
Our Home, I Belong! Kindergarten children of Kanooka School House Pte Ltd conducted an online sharing session with the topic “Our Home, I Belong!”Each child shared their thoughts about the topic ...
Our Home 🌍 Millions of ideas are there but as a young one, how will you make a big impact at this period of time where you are not even allowed to go out and be with your friends?During ...
Salute to Our Heroes Terrified… that’s how we felt when COVID19 started hitting the world. Millions of people suffered especially those who are working with the public. It is a very tough choice ...
"Not all PLASTICS are plastic" - Valuing LIFE Plastics are non biodegradable and it can poison the environment if misused. On the other hand, let’s take a look on the positive side of it. Some plastics are life saving ...
Kindness for a Cause (SSDB Lauch Party) Start Small Dream Big Dream Big (SSDB) has been a yearly project conducted by our centre. This year, the N2 children participated in this project entitled ‘Kindness for a ...
"Kindness To The Elderly" - Kinderland Preschool @ Woodlands Mart This year, children from Kinderland Preschool @ Woodlands Mart came together to pack masks for the seniors at Lions Befrienders. The children packed masks hand-made and sewn ...
All ready to launch our kindness project! After the launch of start small dream big project, K2 Teachers make it a point to go through the kindness activities at least once a week. We always look forward to wear our ...
What would I love the migrant workers to eat? As we embarked our enquiry on cultural food and healthy eating, K2 Teachers reminded children about the sick migrant workers. They were asked “What would you cook and give to ...