Sensorial Exploration around the neighbourhood The brailles found on the lift button is another gem found in the neighbourhood.. they touched it everyday but only today they learnt that it serve a purpose… to lead the ...
SSDB Fund Raising Carnival 2017 PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Chong Pang Blk 107 participated in the ”Start Small, Dream Big 2017”. The centre organised a fund raising carnival for the 52 beneficiaries of ...
Being Kind and Caring towards the Elderly A visit to Swami Home has been our annual activity. Generous parents contributed dry goods and necessities. The K1s and K2s formed assembly lines and packed items like face ...
Sharing is Caring “Sharing is Caring” is our theme for this year’s SSDB project. In this project, we have the honour to collaborate with two organizations: “Grace Lodge Nursing Home” - A ...
Small Hands, Big Hearts Small Hands, Big HeartsSSDB kicked off with the theme “Small Hands, Big Hearts”. The teachers encouraged the children to contribute ideas on how to help others despite of ...
BB Cares on 22 July 2017 Before the big event, teachers helped to set up the booth and prepare the games as well as the goodies. Our Executive Principal Ms Alice dropped by at the event too to show ...
"Our Charity Carnival" by The Little Skool-House On-the-Green On the 28th of July 2017, our Kindergarten 2 students from LSH (On-the-Green) organised a fundraising carnival to help the less fortunate. The children spent the first few ...
Loving for REAL REAL – Responsible, Excel, Appreciate and Love are our kindergarten core values. It is a great privilege for Zion Kindergarten to participate in SSDB 2017 and embark on ...
Drink with a Big Heart On the 8th, 9th and the 11th May 2017, the K1 children of Pat’s Aroozoo embarked on an enriching journey where they had to organize a charity event.In line with the “Start ...
SSDB Launch On 23rd May 2017, we had our SSDB’s launch! Children get to listen to stories on kindness, recycling and giving from the resource pack!We also visited Spectra Secondar...
Water Conservation Poster To promote awareness in public , the children cretead their own water conservation poster. They did the activity for 4 weeks with the incorporation of the different elements ...