SSDB Project: Kindness Rocks! Our K1 children illustrated and wrote a story that talks about friendship and kindness. The story book is being displayed in the class so they can read it anytime. They were ...
Cherie Hearts Kidz Campus @ Pasir Ris Elias Mall - Event : “Singapore Kindness Movement” on 8 Spetember 2020 (Tuesday) and 18 September 2020 (Friday) This year’s Kindness Day SG (KDSG) fell on 22 May 2020. Due to COVID-19, so we celebrated on 8 September 2020 (Tuesday) and 18 September 2020 (Friday) during our term ...
Our Love Project Embarking our L❤️VE ProjectOur children pledged to show their love through actions and through words.> Putting our L❤️VE Project into actions.They brainstormed ideas and ...
Stories #5: Delivering of Smile Packs & SSDB Zoom Finale with PCF Sparklecare @ Changi Simei After all the effort that the children put in to prepare the smile packs. We are ready, and teachers together with our principal, Ms Muni, delivered them to the elderlies at ...
Unity Through Camaraderie Singapore is indeed a multiracial country which highlights harmony. As one of the multiracial school in the country, we do emphasise unity and harmonious relationship between ...
SSDB PROJECT 2020: Kindness The theme for this year’s SSDB is “A Caring and Inclusive Home for All.” We have decided to embark on the topic of “Kindness.” Children learned about the importance of ...
Make Kindness Grow Sustainability is kindness and it runs hand in hand. We recycle our lunch vegetable scraps in reused containers and are excited to see the veggie scraps live again!
Importance of recycling & let's make paper! In the month of June the K1 and K2 children were taught the importance of recycling.To extend children’s learning on recycling, children make handmade paper. Although, it’s a ...
SSDB LAUNCH 2020 We, preschoolers and staffs of Harmoni Preskool @ Yishun would like to extend our gratitude to all frontliners who are working tirelessly to keep Singapore safe. They are an ...
Kindness during Covid-19 During covid-19, our little angels decided to shed some light and hope with little acts of kindness.At the initial stages of the pandemic, the teachers discussed with the ...