Thank You HealthCare Workers During the circuit breaker period, besides learning from home, the children dedicated their time to draw a poster or card for the healthcare workers who has put in so much ...
SSDB Talk (Little Heroes Movement) On 15 June 2020, our centre conducted SSDB Talk with our K1 and K2 children. Teachers explained to the children that they will give back or show appreciation to our ...
Apreciating our Healthcare Frontliners at KKH - Mini Launch parties & Care Packs On 31st April, we started off the project by sending emails & broadcasting to parents about what we had planned to do with the K1 & K2 children. They were invited to ...
Making appreciation crafts for the healthcare workers (a Take-home activity) Both K1 and K2 children are making the appreciation crafts for the healthcare workers with their parents at home. They have been provided with fresh flowers and baking papers ...
Healthcare Heroes- Song practice Both K1 and K2 would be doing a performance to be recorded and presented to our healthcare workers. For the K1 children, it will be a chant performance. As for the K2 ...
Healthcare Heroes- making props The K1 children are making props to prepare for their performance to the Healthcare Heroes. They used recycled materials including plastic bottles and kitchen rolls, to be ...
2nd April 2020 - Sending Love to Frontliners As the world battles against Covid-19, teachers and children of Tzu Chi Great Love Preschool (Yishun) started off the SSDB programme by expressing our love and concern for the ...
Healthcare Heroes- introduction After a long absence away from school, the K1 children are back and they are excited to finally embark on the “start small dream big” project. Today, Teacher Janie is ...
2020: A Year to Appreciate What a year it has been for our Little Innovators!Five months into the semester, the teachers, administrators and children have definitely shown resilience and develop a deep ...
Mask the Future Teachers of Kanooka School House Pte Ltd worked hand in hand to help out the community through starting the movement within the children. Handmade masks were produced within 3 ...
Thank you for your sacrifices! Last stageRight before Circuit Breaker regulation being placed, we were fortunate to be able to present the handy work of our children, parents and staffs of The Moral ...
Cherie Hearts @ Charlton Fight Coronavirus #SSDB2020 #SGUnited A Thank you video for our healthcare heroes. Let’s fight Coronavirus!