Singapore Little Treasures In conjunction with the project on ‘Singapore Little Treasures, we collaborate with the Malay Heritage Center and partnership with parent volunteers to enrich children’s ...
A visit to Indian Heritage Centre (SSDB2019) This year for SSDB 2019 project, our tagline is “Embrace The Uniqeness & Conquer Kindness With The World”With this project, we hope to instill great values such as ...
Exploring the Malay culture during Hari Raya celebration (SSDB2019) Phase 2 : Malay cultureThey started the event by doing art. They learn about ‘Batik’ today. The upper level children created a batik design using the glue resist and crayon ...
Understanding the Chinese cultures and meaning behind it. (SSDB2019) Phase 3 : Chinese CultureTeachers prepared powerpoint slides and videos to share about the Chinese cultures and celebrations. Different type of costumes, dishes and ...
Let’s see other culture’s activity? Phase 4 : Different type of activity in different cultureChopsticks play an important role in Chinese food culture. Chopsticks are called “Kuaizi” in Chinese. They were called ...
Gallery walk around the world during Racial Harmony Day Phase 5 : Reflecting on the cultures and the SSDB Tagline “Embrace Our Uniqueness & Conquer Kindness with The World”. During Racial Harmony Day, teachers prepared ...
Artists at Work Ever since our learning journey to the Art Trail @ Ang Mo Kio Town Centre, we have been very busy planning and brainstorming ideas for our artwork. Here we have the K2 ...
Learning Journey - Art Trail at Ang Mo Kio Town Centre British Council Pre-School has always been active in caring for our community. The biennial Art for Charity event is a project where we raise funds for children from ...
SSDB Project Launch: Reliving the Kampong Spirit! Together We Stand, Divided We Fall! Our centre launched the Kampong Carnival on 26 April 2019. We received huge participation from parents who attended the SSDB presentation which defines the insights of ...
SSDB LAUNCH EVENT - GUARDIANS OF THE SEA The princess of the sea was upset that her ocean was filled with litters and it was causing so much harm to her sea creature friends. The princess of the sea paid a visit to ...
Trip to Eco Kampung Carnival Putting on the orange hat, the children set out to Garden by the Bay on Friday, 26th April 2019 to take part in Eco Kampung Carnival. The children were excited as they looked ...
SSDB 2019:Celebrating our Heritage: The GOOD OLD Days are BACK again! The GOOD OLD Days were days in which it was alright to get dirty and messy and kids played with almost anything, e.g household items known as “masak masak”. Those were the ...