Goleniewski Ninia Sevasothie Maranan

Little Olive Tree (Ghim Moh)

Goleniewski Ninia Sevasothie Maranan
1 Aug 2020

What happened around us: Part 2

After introducing the project, the teachers continually work on establishing the knowledge on covid-19 and how it affected families around the world.

The teachers got the children to share about their experiences while staying at home and why they need to stay at home. 

The children also got to know how Covid-19 looks like and the difference between a virus and a bacteria.

There was also an activity where the children had a photo of Covid-19 wherein they need to identify which areas or surfaces it can linger. The children were ready to spot the areas in class. 

Lessons on proper hygiene and following the 7 steps of washing of hands are shared everyday to reinforce the lesson.

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