Lee Jie Yi

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Marine Parade Blk 46 (DS)

Lee Jie Yi
1 Aug 2023

We Are All In This Together - I can be kind to my family (SSDB)

“Home is where you are loved the most. Spend time, be kind and serve one another!” ❤️

We engaged the parents to join us in completing a special take-home kit activity with their children during the June holidays and we received some amazing crafts and responses back. 👩🏼‍🎨

Our N2 - K2 children were tasked to learn ways to show kindness especially to their family members using examples from the checklist provided as well as offering their helping hands when they can. Parents were encouraged to snap a photograph of that moment and share it with us. 🤩

We were heartened to have feedback from some parents, showing appreciation on the planned activities which allowed them to bond and have some meaningful moments with their children. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

During show-and-tell, the K2 children were able to tell and share some examples that they helped to clean up the house together with their parents, apologise when they are in the wrong and use polite words when speaking such as thank you and excuse me 😊 

“Efforts are important and knowing where to make an effort makes all the differences when we are doing it together.” We love our families, so much! 💕

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