Alya Insyirah

Skool4Kidz Campus @ Sengkang Riverside Park

Alya Insyirah
21 Apr 2023

Together We Keep Singapore Safe! - Total Defence Day 2023 (15 February 2023)

On the 15th February 2023, Skool4Kids @ Sengkang Riverside Park celebrated our annual Total Defence Day Celebration! 15 February marks Singapore’s fall to the Japanese in 1942, and we celebrate Total Defence day as a reminder to all especially children that we all have a part to play in defending our home, Singapore. Following the theme of 2023’s Total Defence day of ”Together We Keep Singapore strong”, we focused on how the 6 pillars are present in our everyday lives and how it keeps Singapore strong, no matter how big or small it may seem! The children showed their appreciation to front liners by dressing up like police officers, firefighters and so on!

The children participated in a variety of station activities! Each of the stations focused on the 6 pillars of Total Defence. The children played “Extinguish the Fire!”, Military Obstacle Course, Fix the 5 Pillars puzzle at our sandpit and Blindfold Directions Maze! 

The children were also engaged in a presentation by teachers about this year’s total defence day, its significance and why we celebrate it. The children watched videos about Singapore’s first responders. They were exposed to the different first responders and their roles and responsibilities through the presentation. After the presentation, the children were invited to share how they would want to help keep Singapore safe!

Together we keep Singapore safe! What will you do?

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