Grace Chan

Carpe Diem MI Preschool Pte Ltd (SSDB)

Grace Chan
11 Oct 2021

The fundraising project

We are approaching towards the end of our project. The N2-K2 children were engaged in this project through making handicraft to raise fund for our beneficiary, Ling Kwang Home.

Each level of children were given different task in the fund raising project.N2 children were taught the importance of keeping personal hygiene like hand washing when necessary as it will keep away germs and viruses. When hand soap and water isn’t available, hand sanitiser is the important item that is effective to decrease the spreads of germs. Therefore, they have assigned to DIY hand sanitizer.

K1 children learned that it is important to keep the environment clean. They learnt that if everyone started littering, the environment would be in a mess and dirty. Germs and viruses are all in the air which in return harmful to human. To keep the environment clean, the K1 children used their creativeness to create their mini table dustbin.

K2- children were also taught the importance of keeping personal hygiene. They learn that washing hand with soap and water will remove substantially more disease causing organisms than washing hand with water alone. Therefore, the K2 children were tasked to DIY soap.

In summary, through this fundraising project, children learnt that everyone play their part to keep the environment free from germs and viruses. And apart from that, it also gave an opportunity for children to show care and concern to our old folks. We can do it,so do you!

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