Joey Oh

Kiddiwinkie Schoolhouse @ Cactus

Joey Oh
12 Aug 2021

SSDB: Giving Back to the Migrant Workers (Kiddiwinkie Schoolhouse @ Cactus)

For this year’s Start Small Dream Big, we decided to thank and show our appreciation to the mirgant workers that work continuously amidst of COVID-19.

We decided to show our thankfulness and gratitude to the migrant workers by packing a care pack for them. Each care pack consists of a packet of halal biscuit, a can of 100 PLUS, a hand sanitiser, a box of medical grade masks, disposable razors, a handmade thank you card and a handmade shrink art keychain.

The children were first introduced to who Migrant Workers are and what they do. This allowed the children to recall and think about the migrant workers that appear in their neighbourhood and all around Singapore. They reflected on why they should give back to the migrant workers as well.

They then created a handmade card for the migrant workers to show their gratitude. 

They drew and coloured shrink art keychain designs followed by the teachers putting it in the oven to make it shrink.

Finally, they packed the care pack together as a class.

The care packs were safely delivered to the migrant workers. 

This project has allowed the children to express their kindness and show gratitude towards the people around them. It has also enabled the children to experience “giving back” to people that helped our community grow and stay strong.

We hope that the children will continue dreaming big!

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