Cruz Katya Louise Cruz

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Nee Soon Central Blk 671 (DS)

Cruz Katya Louise Cruz
31 Aug 2021


This year, we focused on helping other people by what the children love to do, art making. We call our project ‘Art to Heart’ as this project will be for the people in need. It won’t just make our children happy in what they are passionate about, but they will also be able to lend a hand to those who needs it.


The SSDB season is here and our children from PCF SPARKLETOTS PRESCHOOL @NEE SOON CENTRAL BLOCK 671 (DS) are excited with this project. To begin with, the children designed their own SSDB star and used it on our launch. They also gave help in making our SSDB banner by making the art works on it. The heart at the center were made with their handprints. It indeed made the poster look more creative and heartwarming.

It is very evident that they are happy and focused on what they are doing. Of course! Because they know that they could help and make someone smile through their work.

The children answered the SSDB booklet. They also cited what they would do in the project such as making artworks to help other people.

This is what they are enjoing the most, art making. They are indeed great artists!

The children are making artworks for this project. They did their best in making their masterpiece as they’re aware that their artworks could help others.

Our SSDB project is still on going. However, we can clearly see the effort that the kids put on their work. They showed compassion by giving their best in their art works.

These artworks will be sold to their parents and the money that will be collected will be donated at a home.

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