Ms Claire

Little Woods Montessori Pre-School (SSDB)

Ms Claire
18 Sep 2021

SSDB 2021 Project Finale - My Ocean My Responsibility

This term, our children at Little Woods Montessori had an exciting theme. They were learning about Oceans of the World and the marine life. The children were introduced to the five oceans and learnt about the animals and the ecosystems. They also explored current issues that were happening in the world such as Suez canal blockage and global warming. The children created beautiful art and crafts and ocean projects in their learning journey.

Ocean conservation is one of the topics that was discussed frequently. Through science experiments, the children learnt that water pollution is an issue that is affecting our ocean and the animals that live in it. Many animals are endangered due to this problem. The children wanted to save these animals and expressed their desire to help them.

Due to COVID restrictions, the children were unable to visit the SEA Aquarium. However, the online resources from the SEA Aquarium allow the children to understand the importance of saving our ocean animals and prevent global warming.

With this knowledge, the children decided to make an effort to reduce water pollution in our environment and save the ocean. The children created posters using recyclable materials to raise awareness of this topic.

In closure, the school organised an online exhibition for the parents. A video collage about the children’s learning journey was sent to them. The children also went home to encourage their family to be more environmentally friendly by reducing the use of plastic and recycling the things that were used at home.

Although we had come to an end of this project, I believe that this will not be an end for the children to do their part for our world. Let’s all make an effort to protect our marine life and save the ocean.

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