SSDB 小心愿,大梦想- K1 《以领养代替购买》 我们带领孩子们进行了一系列的活动,让孩子们对于流浪动物有更多的认识与了解,并进而带入我们的主要概念《以领养代替购买》😆 另外,我们还邀请了有此经验的家长为孩子们进行精彩的分享!
Save our Animals Today! Our K1 and K2 students participated in the SSDB program, learning about the importance and protecting our animals!The K1 children took part in the SSDB project under the topic ...
Protecting our wildlife and their homes SSDB 2024 K1 CDYH Our whole project in a nutshell. Below are the different phases of the children’s learning journey through this project. We also invited parents to showcase all the children’s ...
'Doing Good Together' - Marine Life Conservation! Aligned with the theme of the SSDB project this year, ‘Doing Good Together’, our centre have chosen to collaborate with S.E.A Aquarium in demonstrating love, care and concern ...
SSDB 2024 - Cherishing The Sea Lion- SSDB Finale cum Children’s Day Carnival In our efforts to raise funds for the adoption of Pedro the Sea Lion from Mandai Singapore Zoo and become Wildlife Ambassadors, our Centre organized a SSDB cum Children’s...
SSDB Finale: For Our Furry Friends Our Informative PosterFollowing Ms Anna’s inspiring visit with her cats, the children were motivated to extend their support through a donation drive for our community’s furry ...
PCF SPARKELTOTS PRESCHOOL @ Clementi Blk 462A (EY) - Being Kind to Animals The children of PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Clementi BLK462A (EY) embarked on a kindness project to instil the values of caring and kindness towards animalsTo launch this ...