Ng Jia Xin

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Fengshan Blk 108 (CC)

Ng Jia Xin
30 Aug 2022

SSDB “Family Love” Launch Party 2022

On the 29th April 2022, our K1 and K2 children threw a launch party to kickstart our Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) project titled, ‘Family Love’.

Through this project, children will learn to understand the importance of family and demonstrate different ways of showing love and care towards one another. Additionally, children can extend this love towards the people in our community who needs support.

Prior to the launch party, we collated from parents a variety of games and activities that they usually do with their children on a simple weekend or during family days. 

During the launch party, children put on their orange SSDB bucket hats, recited the Family Love Pledge and sang ‘I Commit to My Family’ song together.

Then, children went to the various activity stations in the classrooms that we have set up. The activities offered were based on parents’ responses. Children had a whale of time engaging in the activities with their peers. Some of the activities include snakes and ladders, cycling, puzzles, colouring, obstacle course, cooking and eating (pretend play).

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