Johnny Goh

Sunflower Preschool @ AMK Pte Ltd

Johnny Goh
8 Jul 2022

Setting up SSDB corner and recycling corner 😊

In the previous post, K1 and K2 children created their own poster on our SSDB launch party.

Children used various materials to represent each recycling bin that they drew in the poster. They used plastic bag as plastic recycling bin, aluminium foil as metal recycling bin, coloured paper as paper recycling bin, and cellophane paper as glass recycling bin.

We then set up a SSDB corner that align with our theme : To Keep Singapore Clean to promote and cultivate our children, parents and community to Save the Environment with our Captain Green!! Children’s posters were pasted here to promote our SSDB project 😊

Recycling is an important concept that teaches children to care for the environment. It encourages children to be responsible and show a growing appreciating for Earth.

Talking about recycling also provides the opportunity for children to learn about where products come from, how they are made, and how they can be reused.

Thus, N2 - K2 children worked collaboratively to create a recycling corner! We used 8 A4 paper box as our four different recycling bins. We then combine two A4 boxes by using unwanted mahjong paper and scotch tape to form them respectively.

Children in each class paint the recycling bin with either red, blue, green or yellow. They worked together to set up this beautiful recycling corner. 

N2 children

Paper recycling bin - Paper

K1 children

Metal recycling bin - Yellow

K2 children

Glass recycling bin - Green

Plastic recycling bin - Red

Together, we set up this beautiful recycling corner in our school!!!😍❤️

Recycling is an excellent way to teach children about environmental awareness and the importance of respecting their environment. 

Do look out for our subsequent post on our SSDB project!!!❤️

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