Magdasal Gypsy Rose Deligero

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Kampong Chai Chee Blk 424 (CC)

Magdasal Gypsy Rose Deligero
15 Oct 2021

Renewable Sources of Energy

The children learned about ‘Renewable Sources of Energy’. They explored on how wind power and solar energy can be used to provide electricity to our homes without harming the environment, as they are both naturally replenished and produce far less carbon dioxide and other harmful greenhouse gases and pollutants. 

Children in K2 made wind turbines and investigated on how it uses wind power to generate mechanical energy aiding in specific tasks like lifting objects or pumping water. 

Whilst the K1 class explored on how solar energy can be used to run cars instead of using petroleum gas and cook marshmallow through our DIY Solar Oven. 

They also, further, learned about how wind power can be used to power homes by means of generator. 

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