Nurhafizah Binti Osman

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Sengkang Central Blk 270 (CC)

Nurhafizah Binti Osman
29 Aug 2017

Recycling for a better tomorrow

Our SSDB project this year focus on recycling. Children and teachers brainstormed on the different types of things we can do to recycle. After the discussion, we decided to create paper bags and binocular.

K2 children used magazine paper to make the paper bag while K1 children used toilet rolls to make binoculars.

We also had the parents to join us in our project. They help to contribute recycle materials that would be useful for our project.

Parents were also involved in making a pledge on how they can help to save earth through recycling. Parents and children both pledge and pen down their thoughts.

We had the parents to join us on a Saturday morning to also showcase our project that we did previously.

K1 children making the binoculars. They painted and upon drying, they pasted their favourite stickers.

K2 children making the paper bag using magazine paper. It was tough but they sure enjoy the process.

Children showcasing their hard effort in recycling!

Parents and children pen down their thoughts on how they can save the earth.

They were excited to be involved in this project!

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