Joey Lim

Kiddiwinkie Schoolhouse @ Novena Pte Ltd

Joey Lim
24 Sep 2021

Phase 3: Kindness - A gift everyone can afford to give!

We have come to our final stage of our SSDB project for 2021! 

Kiddiwinkie@Novena would like to give our heartfelt thanks to our loving parents who lavishly supported us by donating foods and other essentials to be donated to Melrose Home. Cheers to our little ones who have worked hard to load up our Kindness Boxes with goodies to symbolize their love and care to other children in the home too! 

Indeed, these acts of kindness increase energy and gives a wonderful feeling of optimism. Children learn to appreciate what they have when helping those less fortunate. Kindness is a key ingredient that helps all of us feel good ❤️

Sharing is caring, Caring is loving, Loving is Amazing!

From all of us at Kiddiwinkie Schoolhouse @ Novena ✨

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