Sumathi Mani

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Keat Hong Blk 295 (DS)

Sumathi Mani
26 Aug 2019

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Blk 295 Keat Hong

It seems like a natural habit for human beings to discard all food waste directly to the trash bins or garbage disposal but our little ones from K1 and K2 showed that these ‘supposedly’ wasteful products (vegetable and fruit peelings) can be turned into something really useful like fertiliser and detergent through this SSDB project.

Our children collected vegetables and fruits peels with their parents and divided them into two portions, one for fertiliser and one for detergent. They cut and mixed them to make fertiliser 

Children are excited when they mixed the fruits peels during the process of making the fertiliser and detergent. They added dried leaves too!

They even learnt that cardboards and papers aid decomposition and prevent rotten smell from vegetable and fruit peelings.

We waited for three months (April, May and June 2019) and finally, we filtered our detergent into three bottles!

We used our detergent for the cleaning of our tables and mopping the floor.

We are surprised to see that our tables are very clean!! Our centre attendant is going to use our detergent for cleaning purposes as well.

 We also give the fertiliser for community garden that we visit for the plants to grow well.

We are very happy to share with you about this project that enhance our children’s learning!

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