Ng Chuu Er Charlene

My Montessori Preschool @ Bullion

Ng Chuu Er Charlene
15 Jul 2021

Mask Up! Kindness in this pandemic.

In May, Singapore entered Phase Two (HA) and some of our children opted for Home-based Learning. We planned a series of activities for two weeks, one of which was on Singapore Kindness Day (21st May). We watched a clip from ‘Singa and the Kindness Cubbies- Soaper 5 to the rescue!’ which reminded children of the importance of staying at home if they feel unwell. If they head out, wear masks to protect themselves and their loved ones. The Soaper 5 highlighted the importance of hand washing, which we reinforced with the children in school. Kindness day was a great opportunity to talk to children about different ways of showing kindness and in this pandemic, an act of kindness can be as simple as wearing our masks dutifully. Our SSDB Project (Beautiful Together) is about Celebrating Diversity, which also means showing love and kindness to each other ❤️ Let us continue to be kind to one another, regardless of the season! 

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