

16 Aug 2022

Making mosquito repellent (II)

27 July

One of the staffs in our school mentioned that we can use mosquito repellent to keep mosquito away. Thus, we looked into this direction and went to find out more about mosquito repellent.

We discovered that one of the most common ingredient found in mosquito repellent is citronella. It is very effective in keeping mosquito away. We also found out that lavender can keep mosquito away too!

As such, we decided to use these two elements in our mosquito repellent. We filled up the small pouch with cotton wool before putting a few drops of either lavender or citronella oil on it.

Children stuffing cotton wool in the small pouch.

Children putting drops of either lavender or citronella oil on the pouch.

Mosquito repellent oil in the making.

Children with their completed mosquito repellent sachets.

The complete sachet can be hung on your bag!

Children with the mosquito repellent sachet on their school bags.

Instead of a spray, we go for sachet as we think that it is more environmental friendly as we can put drops of lavender or citronella oil on it when the smell fade away.

To show our appreciation, we made extra and gave to our community partners - AWWA Integrated Home & Day Care Centre.

Children giving their mosquito repellent sachets they made to the people in AWWA.

We hope that it will help them to keep the mosquito away!

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