Rachel Sim Yi Tian

M.Y World @ Admiralty

Rachel Sim Yi Tian
7 Jul 2023


During the span of our 10 weeks project, we engaged children in activities to learn about the different disabilities for 8 of the weeks. After which, on week 10, an awareness charity carnival was planned in school with parents and children to raise funds to be donated to SPD.

For weeks 2 and 3, children learnt about the different types of visual impairment such as glaucoma, muscular degeneration, retinopathy. They also learnt about things that help the blind such as white canes, braille books and text to speech devices. Children went around the neighbourhood identify things that assisted the visually impaired. Children also explored braille books with simulation glasses and created their names in Braille using puffy paint.

For weeks 4 and 5, children learnt about the challenges of hearing impairment and the help available to them such as hearing aids and sign language. They engaged in activities such as reading a book about people with hearing disabilities, before they learnt simple sign language as well as experienced the unfair hearing test.

For weeks 6 and 7, children learnt about different types of physical disabilities, such as wheelchair-bound people and amputees. They learnt about the challenges people with physical disabilities face, the facilities available in Singapore and ways to show kindness to them. For the activities, they experienced using a wheelchair and crutches. They also experienced using one hand to do their simple daily activity.

On our last week of the project before the Charity Carnival, the children learnt about Autism and the challenges they face in our current society. For the activity, children watched an Autism sensory overload simulation video and shared their thoughts. Children further experienced the struggle faced by over-sensitivity by being blindfolded and needing to listen to instructions while being distracted by their friends talking and playing on instruments.

Overall, the children had fun and learnt to be show understanding and kindness over the weeks as they gained more awareness of the different disabilities.

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