
Little Olive Tree (Yishun)

3 Sep 2024


The SSDB project has come to an end but our journey has not stopped. The K2 will be joining seniors from Active Aging Centre @ Martha in September to work on acrylic pots to be sold for fund-raising. 

In December, the K1 and Nursery children will be celebrating Thanksgiving over a meal at St Lukes Eldercare.

The SSDB in Little Olive Tree Yishun ended with children sharing about their experiences working on different events and what they learnt about caring for families and people in our community. 

They recited the SSDB pledge again to remind themselves of the roles a CARE Ambassadors can play to touch lives.

They ended in a reflective mode. Children thought about what they would like to do to show continuous care to others. The strips of papers were then chained together to form a Chain of CARE.

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