Karen Lim

Zion Kindergarten

Karen Lim
29 Jun 2017

Kindness Starts With Me!

Zion Kindergarten’s mid-year party was themed “Kindness”. Our children came in their party clothes for a time of food, fun and games on the last day of the term - 26th May 2017. More importantly they took home the message that kindness makes the world go around and that it starts with them. 

During assembly children learnt the importance of being gracious to one another through stories, games and songs . They then split into their classes to engage in creating crafts for one another as a symbol of love for their friends. 

My favourite part of the day was when the K1s and K2s served food to the younger classes. The children were very gentle with their young friends, ensuring they had the best to eat and drink before they did.

By the end of the day, our tummies and hearts were full. Happy Kindness Day from all of us at Zion Kindergarten to you :)

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